About Us

"We were created to help this industry flourish and the work that I have dedicated my life to will make someone else's path easier"

- Deon Elmore

Our Mission

Prosperity Enterprise Services LLC, is a consulting firm, specializing in the trucking industry. After dedicating nearly 13 years in this field, I decided that the experiences gathered through out my journey would be beneficial to helping this industry flourish. That is why Prosperity Enterprise Services LLC was created so that my hard work can make someone else's path easier.

Our mission will not stop because I know what can be built with hard work and I know what type of relationships can form under these circumstances. We hope your journey will continue with Prosperity Enterprise Services LLC because we brand our name on our services and we promise always to work hard for you.

"Expect The Best"

Headshot of CEO Deon Elmore

Deon Elmore: CEO

Our Leader

My motto is, "Expect the best", and here at Prosperity Enterprise Services LLC we do exactly that. I pride myself on the quality of work that will ensure customer satisfication and leaves us with the feeling that we accomplished a little more of our mission.

To do this, I listen and communicate to extract what specific needs you need met and how I can go about doing that. I am always up for discussion and if feel like Prosperity Enterprise Services LLC is the right fit for you, please feel free to contact me!

Office: 1-800-733-9162

Cell: 1-734-752-1074

Email: peservicesllc17@gmail.com